The Spy Who Loved Me Sale!

Starting tomorrow 7/2/2024, the “Spy Who Loved Me” sale. Two of SCM’s best selling books are on sale for 25% off! Encryptopedia This is the premier fantasy espionage sourcebook! A review about the book says, “If you run a fantasy campaign, you need this book. Even if you don’t run a spy campaign, the book makes a strong case as to why any human society has need of spies and intelligence operations – and why your campaign needs them too (even if they’re in the background). On top of that, it has great examples of roles that PCs might fill, … Continue reading The Spy Who Loved Me Sale!

Coming in May: The Book of the Kiss (Libro Suavium)

I am 90% done with this book. I need a few more editing passes, and to start layout. We are currently at 52,000 words! I have been wanting to write a romance sourcebook for fantasy for some time now. This is partly because I love a good romance story, partly because I have had a lot of very wonderful roleplaying conducting romance stories, and partly because I haven’t seen a book quite like it out there. Once again the goal is to make it system agnostic: you should be able to pick this book up and use it no matter … Continue reading Coming in May: The Book of the Kiss (Libro Suavium)

Welcome to my new Blog

This is a catch-all blog for all the creative work I’m doing. In it I’ll talk about general topics for roleplaying game design, writing, and other creative outlets. If you want to learn more about me, check out my personal website,