Inclusivity? You’re soaking in it…

A leaf soaking in the rain
Special thanks to for the pretty picture











My books are inclusive. I take some extra effort to make them so. Are they perfect? No. Are they going to hit you over the head with how inclusive they are? No. But they are.

Take for example, the characters in the latest book “The Forever Diamonds,” which came out yesterday. Of the 15 characters, 7 are female, 7 male, 1 is non-gendered. 9 are People of Color, 5 are White, and 1 is a reptile (very pretty color reptile though). Two of the men are lovers. A woman has a crush on her supervising officer, who is also a woman. There’s at least two asexual people. There are differing body styles – not everybody is “Body beautiful.” One of the men is disabled and has to wear a prosthetic arm and legs (I wish everyone could have magical limbs!).

But is it a big deal? No. I only bring it up as a point of interest.

I don’t need a medal. I don’t expect any cheers, or to be carried on the shoulders of the downtrodden. I am just this writer and I have written this book. That’s all.

I bring all of this up because it wasn’t hard to do. Didn’t take any extra time. So I encourage my other game designer and writer colleagues to pay attention. Next time, if you have a chance, try the inclusive way. It just makes sense.