S2E9 Food For Thought
It’s World building Wednesday, where I invite you to think about aspects of a world to help you create your own. Today’s topic is food. Reference is https://www.patreon.com/lumpley
It’s World building Wednesday, where I invite you to think about aspects of a world to help you create your own. Today’s topic is food. Reference is https://www.patreon.com/lumpley
Being a GM can be a thankless task and is frequently a lot of work so that others can have fun. In this episode Sam talks about the many ways a player group could support their GM.
Should a GM for a #ttrpg provide a sandbox for the players to play in, or a linear story to lead them along?
Sam talks about collaboration with players to cater to their desires. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/412232/Foreword-Mercenaries
In this episode I talk about big picture game design and the idea that every system has trade offs you must address. I talk about the game SRD called Four Points by Penflower Ink available here https://penflower-ink.itch.io/four-points-rpg-system-srd…
Reference Script Change on Beau’s https://thoughty.itch.io/script-change and don’t forget to donate a little something if you use it.
Unlike other adventurers’ organizations that may pursue their own political agendas, however, the Mercenaries’ Guild does not in any way seek to “make the world a better place” or in any other way impose their morals or values on the working sell-sword. They value individual determination and personal choice. However, they will always get involved in the following areas:
• Misconduct by Mercenaries against their Employers, including merc betrayals without due notice.
• Misconduct by Employers against their Guilder Mercenaries, including surprise suicide contracts and double-dealing after the fact.
• Failure to pay fees that are owed (either by Mercenaries or by Employers)
• Interfering with or attacking Guild officials, buildings, or services
• Events that may destabilize the local economy.
Sam discusses the concept of stance in ttrpgs. Mentioned is https://pca.st/podcast/4a4d1d20-d6f3-013a-d9ac-0acc26574db2 and https://ttrpg.substack.com
In this episode Sam talks about the Mastodon microblogging platform and his ideas for a board game / ttrpg hybrid model
In this first episode of a new season I am talking about CATS and how it may really help you organize a new gaming group and the play at the table.
Concept, Aim, Topics, and Subject Matter is not my idea but I have been studying and thinking about it…